martes, 20 de marzo de 2018

Days of the week


The Solar System questions

What´s the Sun?

What´s the Moon?

What´s The Earth?

What goes around the Sun?

What goes around the Earth?

What planet do we live on?

How many planets are there?

Name the eight planets

How many days are there in a week?

Name the days of the week

How many months are there?

Name the months

How many seasons are there?

Name the four seasons

The four seasons

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018


Estimadas familias:
Podéis visitar la exposicición que el colegio ha organizado  con motivo del 8 de marzo, delante de secretaría.
Un saludo
Las tutoras de 1º

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2018


Where do you buy bananas and apples?  I buy bananas and apples at the supermarket.

Where do you buy bread?    I buy bread at the bakery

Where do you buy meat? I buy meat at the butcher's

Where do you buy sweets? I buy sweets at the sweetshop

Where do you buy toys?  I buy toys at the toyshop

Where do you buy books?  I buy books at the bookshop

Where do you buy medicines?  I buy medicine at the chemist.

Where do you watch films? I watch films at the cinema.

Where do you swim? I swim in the swimming-pool

Where do you get money? I get money at the bank

Where do you play? I play in the park

Where do you read books? I read books at the library.

Who drives the bus? 
The bus driver

Who bakes the bread?
The baker

Who cooks the food?
The cook

Who puts out fires?
The firefighter

Who looks after people when they are ill?
The doctor

Who teaches the children?
The teacher

Who opens and closes the door of the school?
The caretaker

Who makes sure the people are safe?
The police officer

Libros módulo 2

Queridas familias, os informamos que los niños ya pueden traer a clase los libros NATURAL módulo 2 y SOCIAL módulo 2. a partir del próximo lunes, día 5 de marzo.
Muchas gracias.
Las tutoras de 1º